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Each Course Facilitator may or may not have their own personal prerequisites for working with them.
It is up to you whether you choose to work toward starting courses with a particular course facilitator, once you learn their individually required course prerequisites. Below is a list of requirements for starting coursework through Jennifer Earnest.

Course Eligibility

Acceptance Course Requirements:

  1. E-sign mandatory Course Agreements and submit to

  2. Sobriety for 7+ days prior to Acceptance Course

  3. Crimson 1-3 completed.

  4. Turquoise 1-3 completed.

Mastering Silence & All Other Course Requirements:

  1. Acceptance Course received and passed, and facilitated by Jennifer Earnest

    • If you have already completed 1 round of Acceptance Course from a different facilitator, your next level of Acceptance Course will still need to be facilitated by Jennifer in order to meet this requirement.

  2. Readiness for stepping into the path of becoming an MTVO Member 

  3. Thoroughly read all documents and links on MTVO Membership Info

  4. Complete this Course Applicant Form.

  5. Sobriety for 28+ days prior to Mastering Silence.

  6. Sobriety 60+ days prior to beginning Deepening Silence and all other Courses.

MTVO Sponsorship Requirements:
Being sponsored by any facilitator is not a guarantee that you will become an MTVO Member. It is just a requirement to become an MTVO Member

  1. Acceptance Course completion (facilitated by Jennifer Earnest)

  2. It is important you enter into coursework because you feel called to enter into Coursework and not solely so that you can become an MTVO Member.

  3. Complete the questionnaire listed in #3 of Mastering Silence's Course Requirements

Sobriety Understanding

Course Information Packet


© 2021 by Jennifer Earnest.
Member of MTVO.

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